- Establish a stanadized process to address bugs and make plans to quickly fix defects before turn to next development
Due to 15th Malaysian general election, was held on last Saturday, 19 November 2022. All the team members travel back home to cast their vote as a Malaysian to fulfil responsibility to vote at the general election day. Not only that, two of our team members (LX & SZ)join volunteers to act as polling agents and couting agents (PACA) for the elections.
LX: “ To be honest, I didn’t imagine myself working as a polling agent at the general election. I am so glad and grateful that I registered because it was an experience that I’ll never forger.”
SZ: “ I am highly recommed signing up as PACA in the next election. I promise you wou’t regret it.”
What LX & SZ share with us, after general election.
Lastly, we were happy to be carrying out our duties as Malaysians voting and act as PACA in general election, responsibility as a Malaysia citizens. Cheers ~