Hi ErgoPOS family. It’s time for weekly update on our progress, and this will cover back to Tabby APP’s Development. A new version of Tabby Apps (Alpha version) will release soon. We are targeting to release this alpha version of before Christmas Day.
- Finish SignIn UI, Signup UI, Accepct Agreement UI.
- Finish coding on Tabby’ APIs. (SignIn UI, Signup UI, Accepct Agreement UI).
- Finish coding on login, signup, forgot password Module.
- Continue Develop in merchant portal.
- Create and design a new interface in merchant portal.
- Done create Register Page in merchant portal.
- Assigned and discuss new tasks within the team
- Update the tasks progress within the teams
- Update the weekly development progre ss to the ErgoPOS family, facebook page and discord.
Finally I would like to appreciate the team members hard work, acknowledge their performance and value their contribution. Team work is important in every team.