Q: Why does the TabbyPOS team seem to be neglecting their main tasks and igniting various fires?
A: This is because, for startup projects, opportunities, funding, networking, and exposure are often more crucial than the project itself, and they are considered top-priority matters.
Indeed, this week we’ve taken on additional tasks again. A client has entrusted us to develop a blockchain-based production tracking system for their company. Leveraging our accumulated blockchain experience from the past year, we swiftly created a simplified version and installed it at one of the client’s branches for them to experience.
Even our app programmer (MK) got involved hands-on, handling tasks such as drilling holes, laying cables, and setting up terminals.
This system facilitates the client in tracking all processes of a work order, allowing managers to have real-time insights into the latest status of specific tasks or the entire production department. Subsequently, we plan to award the client a badge that attests to the fact that all processes are blockchain-verified, thus immune to tampering or counterfeiting.
What does this terminal bring us?
- Every creation of a work order consumes 1 EPOS token.
- Reputation-wise, the client holds a prominent position in Malaysia’s automotive paint sector, making our successful implementation potentially a gateway to numerous opportunities.
- There’s also a possibility of direct investment from the client into TabbyPOS.
Regarding the blockchain choice: We’ve presented the client with several options, elucidating the strengths and weaknesses of each blockchain.
TabbyPOS is making good progress. We will be making a decision soon to determine the official launch date.